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Rabbits play an important role here at Mountain Ridge Farm. Though they are a meat source, they have been providing manure for our garlic fields for some time now.

Raising rabbits for breeding stock or meat

We currently breed rabbits that are giant breed (New Zealand’s; Red and White, Flemish Giants/NZ cross).

Breeding stock or pets be sold for $15.00 (5 weeks old) to $30.00 depending on the age of the rabbit. Pick up only!


New Zealand White - The most popular breed of rabbit for meat production. It is estimated that 90% of rabbits raised for meat are of this breed. They produce large litters of 8 to 12 kits, which have a fast growth rate to fryer size in 8 to 12 weeks. Optimal litter size is between 8 to 10 kits. If you are raising rabbits for your own family meat production to become more self-reliant and/or to enjoy a healthier, lean meat, you can't go wrong with the New Zealand White!

Availability: Please contact


New Zealand Red - A distinctive, "bright reddish sorrel, but should not give any 'brown' impression." The belly is somewhat lighter, even deep creamy in color, but never white. The eyes are brown. These are solid, meaty, commercial meat rabbits with normal fur. They've been selectively bred over the years for feed conversion, litter weight gain, maternal instincts, and hardiness. New Zealand Reds are relaxed breeds who are generally good with (calm) children. They are placid when being handled and make great beginner pets because of their easy going nature.

Availability: Please contact


Flemish/NZ Cross - These rabbits do eat a lot more and grow extremely fast, and because of their body weight will have bigger bones, and their fryers, at 7 to 9 weeks, weigh about the same as those of the medium purebreds at the 10- 12 weeks age. These are raised for meat and work on the homestead just fine. Although this is a meat breed it is still a rabbit. It is still capable of every bit as much personality and human interaction as any other rabbit. If you handle them gently and competently, and provide them with proper nutrition and a healthy environment, they will make an excellent pet. They get about as large as a small house-cat.

Availability: Please contact

Raising rabbits for meat

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Processed rabbits available. Hay and pellet fed. Processed at a government inspected facility. Vacuum sealed and frozen. 3 to 4 lbs dressed weight. $20-$22 each. Please call to check availability and order.

Availability: Please contact

It was our desire to be self-reliant that began our adventure in raising and breeding rabbits for meat. Rabbits don’t need much space to be comfortable. Rabbit meat is high in protein and low in fat. It can easily substitute for chicken meat and many people would think it was chicken unless told otherwise.

We provide healthy, nutritious, homegrown meat for our family, as well as to sell to friends and neighbors. We are to process it for our buyer. It will be bagged and government inspected. They are larger rabbits - great for soup, stew, pie, or cooked in the crock pot.

Cost is $5/per lb and sizes will range from 4-5lbs each. Pick up only!

Rabbit Manure

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Rabbit manure is one of the best manures for your organic gardens! It will increase poor soil by improving soil structure and also improving the life cycle of the beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Rabbits are very good at producing an excellent source of manure. It is rich in many nutrients and very simple to use. One doe and her offspring will produce over one ton of manure in a year.

Rabbit manure is packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and many minerals, lots of micro-nutrients, plus many other beneficial trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper, and cobalt just to name a few.

Nitrogen(N)- Rabbit manure is higher in nitrogen than sheep, goat, pig, chicken, cow or horse manure. Plants need nitrogen to produce a lush green growth. Nitrogen helps plants grow greener and stronger helping the plant reach its full potential. This is great for all those quick growing salad greens! Great for the early growth of tomatoes, corn, and many other vegetables.

Phosphorus(P)- Rabbit manure is also higher in phosphorus than the other manures. It helps with the transformation of solar energy to chemical energy which in turn helps with proper plant growth. Phosphorus also helps plants to withstand stress. Phosphorus in the soil encourages more and bigger blossoms helping with flowering and fruiting also great for root growth.

Potassium(K)- Potassium helps with fruit quality and reduction of disease plants will not grow without it. Plants use potassium as an enzyme to produce proteins and sugars. They also use potassium to control water content.

Rabbit manure is one of the few fertilizers that will not burn your plants when added directly to the garden and can be safely used on food plants.

There are a few different ways to use rabbit waste in your garden. You can use the pellets they produce as fertilizer, or you can compost it first.

We sell rabbit pellets in bags $5 for approximately 5kg. Pick up only!

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